Trips, Tours and Tournaments Policy


Darlington FC

 Trips, Tours, and Tournaments Policy



Whenever Darlington FC undertakes trips, tours, or tournaments it will ensure the safety of children and adults at risk that it is responsible for. Alongside this, children and adults at risk will have the opportunity to grow their confidence, self-esteem and develop their skills. All trips, tours and tournaments will be carefully planned, and preparations made well in advance to ensure that any concerns from players, parents or carers are addressed. We will ensure that safety of undertaking of trips, tours, and tournaments through following our Safeguarding policies and procedures and those of the FA.


This policy should be read in conjunction with The FA Safeguarding Guidance Note 5.4 – Travel, Trips and Tournament Advice and Permissions.


Other relevant policies and procedures:

  • Safeguarding children’s policy
  • Safeguarding Adult at Risk policy
  • Codes of conducts for staff, volunteers, players, and spectators.
  • Safer Recruitment policy
  • FA Guidance notes 3.5, 5.4, 5.5, 8.2



Open Age Football:

Darlington FC will  use this policy for those players who may travel with the first team or affiliated teams in open age football who are aged 16/17 (defined in law as children). We are responsible for ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place when arranging transport and trips and ensuring anyone supervising U18s has undertaken relevant safeguarding training and DBS checks are in place.


The following are core principles of Darlington FC and will be always followed:

  • No child will be permitted to undertake a trip, tour or tournament organised by the club unless there is relevant signed consent from parents / carers on file.
  • When going on trips, tours, and tournaments we will ensure that minimum staff ratios are met for the age of the children participating and needs of the adults at risk.
  • Prior approval will always be obtained by the CFA when planning to play foreign opposition (Appendix A).
  • We will ensure that staff of the same sex as the groups are present during the trip, tour, or tournament.
  • A member of staff will have a copy of the Emergency Procedures guide relevant to the trip, tour, or tournament.
  • A qualified first aider will always be present and will carry a fully stocked first aid kit.
  • The club will work with the children and adults at risk to establish and agree rules for the trip, tour or tournament and communicate the consequence of breaking them.
  • The Club will not endorse any tours, trips or tournaments of non-affiliated teams which are not arranged by Club staff. Should parents wish to independently take a group of players on a tour, trip, or tournament they MUST speak to CWO at least 8 weeks prior to the event. Contact Club Welfare Officer (Ben Reay) for assistance.


The Club will ensure that the appropriate insurances are in place to cover the following:

  • Public and civil liability
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal accident
  • Vehicle insurance
  • Breakdown cover for transport
  • Medical cover abroad (if applicable)


The club will commit to meetings with parents and carers to:

  • Introduce staff who will undertake the trip, tour or tournament with the child(ren) or adult(s) at risk.
  • Confirm roles and responsibilities of those travelling, including the Club staff members with Safeguarding responsibility whilst away. This person will hold the safeguarding qualifications necessary to perform the role.
  • Provide information packs.
  • Ensure all welfare requirements are known, recorded, and understood for each person with specific requirements and needs (medical, physical, or psychological).
  • Confirm a Club point of contact for parents and carers.


Accommodation guidance for overnight stays:

The club will ensure when booking a trip, tour, or tournament – that they have permission from the CFA, the location is suitable, and it holds a current fire certificate. In addition, we will ensure that:


  • There are ensuite facilities or separate facilities for children and adults.
  • Under 18’s will not share rooms with adults.
  • There is secure parking.
  • That varied dietary requirements can be met.
  • Valuables can be stored safely.
  • There is sufficient nighttime security.


If possible then the club will look to send a member of staff to visit the accommodation before booking to ensure it is suitable but in any case, thorough research will take place prior to booking.


Travelling and staying abroad:

If travelling or staying abroad then the Club will advise parents/ carers of any Visa’s and/or vaccinations required. Parents and carers will also be asked to provide details of valid international health insurance for each child and adult at risk.


Staffing and staff ratios:

  • Minimum staffing ratio’s will be met in accordance with the FA guidance note 5.5.
  • Minimum of two FA DBS checked coaches/ adults (young leaders 16/17 year of age are not considered adults).
  • Club will always ensure where same sex children or adults at risk are staying that we have the same sex staff members with the group.





NSPCC Recommended Adults to child ratios:

Age of Children

Ratio of staff

4-8 years

One adult per 6 children

9-12 years

One adult per 8 children

13-18 years

One adult per 10 children



Rules whilst away:

The Club will work with children and adults at risk to establish and agree rules beyond those in the codes of conducts. The consequences to rule breaking will be communicated to those travelling or staying overnight.



No person under the age of 18 years will be allowed to possess or consume alcohol. If this rule is broken then those found with, or those having consumed alcohol may be:

  1. Prevented from playing further matches.
  2. Parents / carers will always be informed.
  3. Further sanction from the club on return, which could include a ban or being removed from the club.


Safety, security, and safeguarding when staying in accommodation:

  • Once at the accommodation staff will check that all windows and doors are safe, check rooms for damage, that they a non-smoking rooms and report anything as per necessary.
  • All rooms will be checked to ensure there is no access to alcohol and that movie access is appropriate or entirely restricted.
  • All those staying are to be briefed with regards to fire safety and procedures in the unlikely event of fire.
  • How to contact the adult in charge will be made clear, this will include details of where their room is in location to the children’s room (ideally one at each end of a single corridor).
  • Finally, all belonging including money, passports and valuables will be stored safely.