Supporter information for the Newcastle under 23 game on Saturday

By Ray Simpson

Supporter information for the Newcastle under 23 game on Saturday

The first game in front of crowds after the lifting of restrictions

Supporter information for the Newcastle Under 23 game on Saturday.


The lifting of restrictions last Monday now means that we can thankfully open Blackwell Meadows, with the help of our volunteers and Darlington Rugby Club, to full capacity for our friendly against Newcastle on Saturday.

We warmly welcome all supporters back to Blackwell Meadows, it will be great for the players to play in front of a crowd after nearly 500 days. It will also be a fantastic opportunity for fans to interact with each other, renew friendships and cheer the lads on.

Wearing a facemask in the ground will be entirely optional for spectators, it will be one of personal choice. If you feel comfortable wearing one, especially near other people, then by all means, please do so. Similarly, if you want to stay socially distant from others, then again, feel free to do so. Everyone must respect each other during this phase of the pandemic.

If you are entering the main building through the front entrance on Saturday, we request that you wear your mask while you’re inside. We will still be operating the Track and Trace system, and request that you log in using the QR barcode. There will be gels and sanitisers available for you to use.

If you are in the ground and intend using the clubhouse bar facilities at any time, then please wear a mask when you go inside.

Of course, if you are displaying symptoms of Covid, then please do not attend the game and self-isolate.

We know that there are different views regarding the use of facemasks, but we urge all supporters to respect one another, and safely celebrate the return of football in front of fans. We’ve all missed football, which is why we should now enjoy games and each other’s company all the more.


You can buy tickets in advance for Saturday’s game below:

You can buy your match ticket here:


You can buy a three game pass in which you pay for two matches and get a third free:


You can also pay contactless or cash at the turnstiles, but please arrive early to avoid congestion.


Any media representatives who need access to the game should e mail or